Thursday 16 October 2014

EDU LARP Learning and Social Education Through Live Action Roleplay

I am delighted to announce that René Hedegaard Nielsen from Denmark will be joining us for the first lecture of the new semester to discuss live action role playing for children and young adults within the context of social education. He will speak about his work on Tuesday, October 21st in    T3.13 at 5pm. T3.13 is in the Tara Building, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick

René and the Fantasyfabrikken will be taking part in the Locating the Gothic festival Oct 23 - 26th in Limerick.


René Hedegaard Nielsen

René is an expert on the place of live action role-playing (LARP) for children and young adults within the context of social education. He studied social education in Denmark where he currently works as director a youth social club and co-owner, together with Tommy Salholt and Steffen Jense, of Fantasyfabrikken . ( a group of artists who create spfx, events, props and monsters for large scale performative events, TV and film. His work experience ranges from the practical (as department head for a Danish youth club) and the improbable (special effects creator for first Danish Zombierun). Rene has worked for Warner Brothers on ‘Heart of the Sea’ (London) in Denmark on ‘Barda’ television series (Denmark) and for children’s TV channel ‘Ramasjang’ (Denmark). He also has a background in commercials. However, his real passion is for live-action role-play and the promotion of the social benefits of this among children and young adults. He has worked on LARP projects for 22 years, many of them large scale (up to 600 participants)